Communication Diseases
Diseases:- Diseases is combination of two words DIS - disturbed and EASE-
A disease is an illness or a abnormal
condition that effect negatively to all parts of an organism and prevent the
body and the mind from normal working.
Meaning of communicable disease:
Communicable diseases are those
diseases which can be transmitted from one person to another whether directly
or indirectly.
Communicable disease includes those diseases
revolting from any type of infection
capable of being directly or indirectly transmitted from one individual to
Communicable diseases are those infectious
diseases which speed from one source to the other.
Communicable diseases are those transferable
capable infections or germs multiple diseases which are passed on infected
person to healthy person through some medium like food, drinks, air etc. or
through direct contact.
Communicable diseases are those diseases in
which a person is exposed to illness without his/her knowledge, when the same
person comes in contact with the infected person. The contact may be direct or
indirect. Communicable diseases which are transmitted through any medium comes
in infections categories, on the other hand those communicable diseases which
are transmitted through direct contact comes in contagious categories.
Diseases like
heart disorder , Night blindness, rickets etc are not communicable
diseases because these diseases cannot be transferred from one person to
another through direct or indirect contacts. However some infections diseases
are caused by direct contact also even a touch (touching infected persons body
by hand),. The bacteria are very tiny germs need specific atmosphere for
survive, example of this can be explained by the fact that HIV organization
cannot survive in the mosquitoes body temperature, therefore, occurrence of
aids is not possible through mosquito bite, some bacteria/germs spread
contagious diseases and some may spread infectious diseases. These germs,
bacteria or virus can be viewed through microscopes. Every diseases have its
own characterizes depending upon the nature of germs/bacteria/virus.
Source of communication
diseases are:
i. Through AIR:
breathing, sneezing coughing, by an infected person through speeding infected
droplets in air diseases can be transferred to healthy person. Influenza,
measles, Diphtheria, tuberculosis tec are the diseases generally spread through
ii. Through Food and water:
After sitting on the sputum of an infected patient when fly sits on food, the
infection actually being transferred. Typhoid, cholera, dysentery etc are the
diseases general spread through food and water.
Facts: More than one billion people (one-sixth of the world's population) lack safe drinking water
and almost two billion are without adequate sanitation. Every day, an estimated 10,000 people in
developing countries die from water-related diseases. Thats 6.9 people every minute.
INSECTS: Biting or stinging by some infected animal or insect may cause the
spread of infectious diseases. Malaria, plague, dengue fever, sleeping sickness
etc are the disease generally spred through animals an insects.
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